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Ballydown Primary School, Banbridge
Parent/Teacher Interviews Nursery-P6 Mon 24th-Thurs 27th Feb
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Anti-bullying Week in P3

29th Nov 2020

The annual anti-bullying week took place during the week of 16th - 20th November. Each year this week allows children and adults to focus on bullying issues and how to stop bullying happening. The theme this year was ‘united against bullying’. In class we talked about the different types of bullying that can happen, how to deal with this issue and the importance of uniting as a school to keep Ballydown the happy place it is. We also talked about who to talk to in school if you are being bullied or if you know someone else is being bullied.

Primary 3 enjoyed creating our buckets that were filled with kindness. Each child decorated their own bucket and then members of the class wrote something kind about them. Mrs Irvine and Mrs Bowman added their own positive comments for each child too. It was a treat to read what other members of the class thought about us. A really worthwhile activity ... the smiles from the children show they loved this lesson!