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Ballydown Primary School, Banbridge

P6 Maths Week

19th Jan 2022

P6 thoroughly enjoyed the range of activities during Numeracy Week. 

On Monday we 'visited' various workstations where our skills of first estimating, then finding actual measurements was our target. We measured heights and other classroom objects, counted amounts of money and weighed potatoes.

Tuesday's blue sky and winter sun proved a perfect day to complete part of our Outdoor Maths Trail where once again we estimated, measured then converted measurements from one unit of measure to another.

Our problem solving group work activity on Wednesday totally proved that two/three heads are better than one as we solved clue cards that helped to identify a missing decimal number. Perseverance was most definitely the key. 

Thursday's data handing activity gave us opportunity to construct a bar graph using intervals to compare the heights of each class member. 

We especially loved the competetive fun on Friday where we used a stopwatch to accurately record various time challenges. This helped us to make sense of tenths and hundredths of a second.

A fun-filled week of learning was had by all.