Pancake Tuesday in the P3 classroom
Tuesday was very busy in our classroom as we focused on all things pancakes!!
As a class we discussed why we have Pancake Tuesday and what other countries do to celebrate this traditional day. We all helped to make the pancake batter and not one lump could be found in the batter after all the mixing! After eating the warm pancakes with lots of different toppings we were ready to do some procedure writing. The procedure writing gives the different steps of how to make pancakes as well as illustrations for each step. We finished the day with the children making a block graph to show the favourite pancake toppings in P3 and a little fun outside, where the kids enjoyed the challenge of tossing a pancake!
Ballydown Primary School, 64 Lisnaree Road, Banbridge, Co. Down N. Ireland BT32 4JN Phone: 028 40 662738