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Ballydown Primary School, Banbridge
Parent/Teacher Interviews Nursery-P6 Mon 24th-Thurs 27th Feb
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September in P6/7

18th Sep 2024

P6/7 have had a few busy weeks at school getting back into hard work, yet still having fun.
In Numeracy, P7 were reading and writing large numbers and created graphs to show European populations. P6 were introduced to 3-way Venn diagrams and collected data from our class to represent on the diagrams.
In W.A.U. this term we are studying our local area. P7 have visited the old railway bridge and bridge over the River Bann in the local environment where they made charcoal sketches and oil pastel drawings of each. P6 had a very interesting and informative talk about Captain Crozier from Mr. Cairns, our resident Captain Crozier expert.